Will Hogue Wins Pro Long Drive at Bluff City Shootout
April 20, 2021

Memphian Will Hogue blasted his way past runner-up Landon Gentry in the Bluff City Shootout held at the driving range of the Golf and Games Family Park in Memphis, TN. The final eight pro long drivers in this weekend’s points event were Hogue, Gentry, semi-finalists Reid Russell and Colton Casto as well as Desert Launch Mesquite winner Brandon Flynn, Joshua Koch, Scottie Pearman, and Ryan Reisback. Chris Hall took home top honors in the Senior Division to complete the Memphis Connection in 2021.
Grit and Grind Wins Bluff City... Again!
Born and raised in Bluff City, 35-year-old Will Hogue has all the “grit and grind” that Memphis residents are expected to have. A gifted athlete Will is not the type of guy to leave anything on the table. Hogue honed his skills as an outfielder for Austin Peay State University and led the Governors in homeruns in both his junior and senior years. Hogue first competed in World Long Drive events in 2013 and has been a top pro long drive competitor for years. He also proudly serves his community as paramedic and firefighter.
The 2018 season saw Hogue dominate the pro long drive tour by winning three professional events and a major international event. Nonetheless, the first responder’s efforts fell short at the 2018 championship where he lost in the quarter final round to Justin Moose by just one yard. Based upon his multiple tour event wins along with his four trips to the TV Final Eight during the Golf Channel years, industry observers consider Will Hogue to be the best of the current pro long drivers who have not won a world long-drive championship.
Prior year PLDA points are included in the PLDA Ranking System at 50% of their original value. Current year PLDA Points will be totaled across all Current Year events at 100% of their assigned value.
1 - Kyle Berkshire – 350 points
2T - Brandon Flynn – 325 points
2T - Justin James – 325 points
4T - Will Hogue – 312.5 points
4T - Joshua Koch – 312.5 points
6 - Landon Gentry – 222.5 points
7 - Scottie Pearman – 212.5 points
8 - Ryan Reisbeck – 185 points
9 - Reid Russell – 125 points
10 - Colton Casto – 110 points
The rankings above include PLDA Points for Mesquite 3/07/21 and Memphis 4/18/21. WLDA Rankings will be used through the 2021 Season as a secondary ranking but will be discontinued in 2022.
Photo Credit: Professional Long Drivers Association
PLDA - Carolina Clash on Apr 30 - May 2 at One Stop Power Shop in Newton, NC
PLDA - Diamond in the Desert on May 21 - 23 at Mesquite Sports Complex NV