Evan "Big Cat" Williams
Known as the world’s longest driver, the 6’ 6” golfer burst onto the scene of professional golf and long-drive competitions in 1974 by winning the World Challenge Long Drive Contest in New York. With a blast of 366 yards he defeated, among others, Jim Dent, considered the longest driver on the PGA tour. After watching Williams, Joe DiMaggio said. “They should lock him up in a cage.” Almost single-handedly, Williams brought long drive competitions to the forefront of sports with exhibitions in 26 countries. Over the years, Big Cat won numerous national long drive titles in the United States, Australia, and Bermuda. Big Cat has also served as color commentator on ESPN, written a book, and has been inducted into the Long Drivers of America Hall of Fame.
1976 Long Drive Championship - 1st Place
1977 Long Drive Championship - 1st Place